Chief Secretary and Head of the Bougainville Public Service

Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

Job Reference 1243736

Location Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

Industry Other - Public Sector

Function Administration

Job Type Permanent

Date Added June 11, 2024

Chief Secretary and Head of the Bougainville Public Service


President and Bougainville Executive Council

Buka, ARoB

The Chief Secretary and Head of the Bougainville Public Service:
  • leads and manages a large and complex government administration, which has substantial strategic, policy and operational functions and responsibilities for implementing an all of government approach, in pursuit of the peoples’ aspirations for independence;
  • provides timely and quality advice and assistance to the President of Bougainville and the Bougainville Executive Council in the evolution of Bougainville’s autonomy under the Bougainville Peace Agreement and associated constitutional laws, through the development of relevant strategies and policies, in accordance with legislative requirements and policy directions;
  • coordinates across Government the formulation and delivery of strategies and policies in all sectors and manages and reports on whole-of-Government performance;
  • leads the Bougainville Public Service, driving performance improvement across all Departments; and
  • ensures that the Bougainville Public Service has policies and plans that are being implemented by trained and motivated staff in support of efficient and fiscally sustainable operations in all Departments, to ensure the delivery of services to the people of Bougainville.
  • oversees the following core functions to Government:
    • strategic policy and planning;
    • Autonomy implementation;
    • media, public relations and communications;
    • executive services;
    • international and inter-governmental relations
    • internal audit;
    • development partnerships; and
    • Panguna negotiations.
Government and Legislature
  • The President
  • Other members of the Bougainville Executive Council
  • Speaker and Members of the Bougainville House of Representatives Bougainville Members in the National Parliamen
  • Prime Minister and members of the National Executive Council Joint Supervisory Body
  • Public Accounts Committee of the Bougainville House of Representatives Auditor-General
  • Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee Salaries and Remuneration Commission
  • Chairs and members of the Councils of Elders
  • Foreign Governments and inter-governmental organisations Development partners

Administration (Bougainville and National Governments)
  • Departmental Heads of the Bougainville Public Service
  • Heads of other Bougainville Government Services
    • Bougainville constitutional office-holders
    • National constitutional office-holders
    • Chief Secretary and Departmental Heads of the National Public Service
  • National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs (NCOBA)
  • Joint Referendum Committee
  • Bougainville Peace Building Program
    • Joint Panguna Negotiation Coordination Committee
    • Chief executives of ABG-owned enterprises
  • Chief executives of statutory authorities and State-owned enterprises
    • Representatives of National bodies in Bougainville (Police, Judiciary, Magisterial Service, etc.)
  • Auditor-General’s Office
  • Bougainville Tenders Board

Communities and the public
  • Faith-based and civil society organisations, business organisations, the private sector and academia
  • Bougainvilleans outside of Bougainville
  • All media

The Chief Secretary is accountable to the President. The Chief Secretary must perform the duties as set out in the Bougainville Constitution, Bougainville Public Services (Management and Administration) Act 2014, Bougainville Public Finance (Management and Administration) Act 2014, other relevant laws, and this position description.

The Chief Secretary is also accountable for:
  • leading the Bougainville Public Service to deliver an affordable and sustainable Public Service that delivers on its plans;
  • providing high-quality, strategic and proactive advice on Government outcomes and strategies for delivering a programme of long-term, sustainable cost reduction across the public sector, while maintaining public safety and public confidence in the Public Service and the Government;
  • providing high-quality, proactive advice on government policy and operations, including:
    • the development of autonomy, including the constitutional arrangements;
    • social and economic development in Bougainville;
    • performance of the Government as a whole;
    • the post-Referendum dialogue and consultation on the future political status of Bougainville;
    • maintaining unity peace and harmony in Bougainville, including working to achieve fair and durable reconciliation of historical grievances;
  • providing quality delivery of services to the Office of the President and Office of the Vice-President and the Bougainville Executive Council;
  • providing services and facilities that assist peace, reconciliation, weapons disposal and veterans;
  • providing responsive and quality media and communications services for Government;
  • providing leadership and sound management of the Department of the President and Bougainville Executive Council, so that it contributes to achieving agreed outcomes, both now and in the future, by:
    • developing the Department to fulfil its role in a constantly changing environment;
    • establishing and maintaining sound working relationships with the all stakeholders, particularly those in Government and the legislature;
    • adhering to the financial and ethical standards expected of the Bougainville Public Service;
    • delivering services and outputs that are of a very high standard;
  • monitoring the Government entities for which the Department has responsibility.

Critical areas of success
The Chief Secretary’s performance will be assessed against the following outcomes:
  • the Bougainville Public Service and the Department of the President and Bougainville Executive Council are delivering fiscally-sustainable public services, and Government policy reforms are being implemented, with effective coordination being demonstrated.
  • the Bougainville Public Service is responsive and accountable in reporting to Government on its performance, and individual Departmental Heads are reporting to their Ministers;
  • the Department is providing high quality policy advice to Government and the President;
  • the Department is providing high quality services to the Office of the President and to the Bougainville Executive Council;
  • the Department functions are being delivered as planned; and
  • Bougainville’s external interests are represented professionally by the Bougainville Public Service and the Department.

The following requirements and competencies will form the selection criteria for this position.

Leadership within the Public Service
Excellent leadership is an essential element to high performing Departments and a high-performing Bougainville Public Service. As a senior officer of Government, the Chief Secretary is expected to lead by example. The Chief Secretary and Departmental Heads are required to work together in a spirit of service and strive towards the overall goal of a system of world class, professional public service, serving the government of the day and meeting the needs of all Bougainvilleans.

The Chief Secretary will be a proven leader with demonstrable current experience in a senior leadership position in government, the private sector or the community. Through his or her skills and career experience he or she will be able to:
  • illustrate an ability to improve significantly the performance of an organisation;
  • demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Bougainville’s aspirations for autonomy and the challenges the Bougainville Government faces;
  • contribute solutions to the specific challenges and priorities facing the holder of this office in contributing to the development of the Bougainville Public Service; and
  • relate to leaders, colleagues and the people at all levels of the Bougainville community.
Specific requirements
The Chief Secretary will be under 60 years of age at appointment. Retirement is compulsory at 65 years of age. By law the contract of appointment is for 5 years and can be renewed.

The Chief Secretary must be a fit and proper person to be appointed to the Bougainville Public Service. The person will have an appropriate tertiary education or similar experience, be of good character, be in good health and free of criminal convictions or determinations of disciplinary enquiries.

Position competencies
The Chief Secretary will need to be skilled in the following competencies:

Strategic skills
An effective Chief Secretary will possess a depth and breadth of knowledge and experience in management at a senior level. He or she will be intellectually sharp, and deal with concepts and complexity comfortably. He or she will have a strong grasp of key trends and issues facing Bougainville, the Government, the restoration of services, facilities and infrastructure and the wider capacity issues in the public sector.

The Chief Secretary must be able to develop long-range strategies and plans. He or she should be able to probe deeply into issues without losing sight of the bigger picture. The Chief Secretary must be able to learn quickly when facing new problems and be comfortable handling risk and uncertainty. A willingness to take reasonable risks, be open to change and to experiment is essential. He or she must be future-oriented and take a broad perspective on issues, analysing both successes and failures for clues about how to improve. The Chief Secretary will be able to guide the creation of a compelling vision for Bougainville and inspire others to support that vision.

Operating skills
The Chief Secretary will create focus in government to get things done. Roadblocks will be eliminated by concentrating on the vital issues that need attention. He or she will create strong teams by empowering people, fostering open dialogue, effectively allocating resources and ensuring that individuals work together. The teams will work across boundaries. The Chief Secretary will continually support the development of the senior team; coaching them and providing opportunities that will stretch them.

The Chief Secretary must be able to be counted on by the President and the Public Service when times are tough. He or she cannot shirk personal responsibility. Anticipating potential conflicts, he or she will look for common ground; resolving differences equitably and calmly. The Chief Secretary must be willing to take the lead in controversial issues; giving the President and the Bougainville Executive Council independent, sound advice. An ability to read situations and people accurately is essential.

Energy and drive
The Chief Secretary will work across the Public Service and Bougainville, consistently demonstrating energy and drive for better results. He or she will not give up in the face of resistance or setbacks, however he or she must also be willing to adapt the approach, if necessary, to achieve the desired result.

Personal and interpersonal skills
Effective chief executives know themselves well, are open to criticism and seek feedback. The Chief Secretary will learn from mistakes and strive constantly to develop himself or herself. The Chief Secretary should be counted on to remain calm and hold things together in tough times. The Chief Secretary should not be prone to defensiveness, frustration, nor easily knocked off-balance.

In his or her dealings with others, the Chief Secretary will be a good listener and will easily establish rapport with others. Maintaining constructive external relationships is a key function of this position. The Chief Secretary, while representing and advocating for Bougainville’s position, will remain respectful towards others, building relationships of trust and respect with the President, Ministers, colleagues and stakeholders.

While being direct and forceful, the Chief Secretary will seek to resolve differences without damaging relationships. A key role of the Chief Secretary will be to create a climate within which people feel motivated to do their best, where people like working for and with the Chief Secretary. The Chief Secretary is encouraged to meet the expectations and requirements of the President and act consistently with those expectations and requirements in mind.

Organisational positioning skills
An effective Chief Secretary will understand the political and organisational context within which he or she works. In Bougainville this is emerging from the autonomy arrangements in new and unique ways. The Chief Secretary will be sensitive to political processes and anticipate risks and how others may respond. He or she will be able to manoeuvre through complex political situations effectively and quietly whilst maintaining Public Service standards of political neutrality. A successful Chief Secretary will know how to get things done within the Bougainville political and organisational context, and understand the origin and reasoning behind key policies, practices and procedures. He or she will understand how to work with different organisational cultures to achieve change.

Acting with honour and integrity
The Chief Secretary will adhere to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct observing the Code of Conduct and Ethical Behaviour of the Bougainville Public Service, during both good and bad times and situations. As well as taking a lead role in promoting the Code of Conduct, the Chief Secretary will be a role model for the ethics, values and behaviours set out in the Code. The Chief Secretary will deliver on his or her promises and be direct and truthful in dealings with others. He or she will keep confidences and admit mistakes. The Chief Secretary will not misrepresent himself or herself for personal gain. The Chief Secretary will work fulltime in this role and will not maintain any other employment or business.

Section 25 of the Bougainville Senior Appointments Act 2014 disqualifies certain people from holding this senior office, as follows:

A person is not qualified to be, or to remain, a senior office-holder if the person is—
  • the President, or a candidate for election as President; or
  • a member of, or a candidate for election to—??????
    • the House of Representatives; or
    • a level of formal government in Bougainville; or??????
    • the National Parliament; or
    • a Provincial Government; or???????
    • a Local-level Government or Authority; or???????
  • an office-holder in a political party registered under a Bougainville law or an Act of the National Parliament; or???????
  • declared bankrupt by a court of competent jurisdiction and remains bankrupt; or???????
  • of unsound mind within the meaning of any law relating to the protection of the person or property of persons of unsound mind; or???????
  • ???????under sentence of death or imprisonment.

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