Safety Moment
Personal Protective Equipment or PPE is specialised clothing or equipment worn or used by a worker for protection against health and safety hazards at work or on a job site.
Hazards exist everywhere, both in the home and at the workplace. Controlling a hazard at its source is the best way to protect yourself, however there are times where this is not feasible. PPE is considered to be a temporary or last line of defense where hazards cannot be eliminated completely.
Wearing the right PPE is important, however it does not reduce the workplace hazard, nor does it guarantee permanent or total protection for the wearer. Simply having PPE available is not enough. In order to ensure the required level of protection:
If PPE is found to be defective, it should be discarded and replaced. PPE should be properly stored and maintained. Both the employer and the employee have a duty when it comes to PPE. The employer must provide adequate PPE and the employee must use and wear appropriately.