Five commitments your company can make towards combating climate change

Workforce Management

By Louise Bancroft
January 24, 2023

October 9, 2024

0 min read

The effects of climate change are becoming more evident every day

As a result, companies are taking necessary action to contribute to a greener future.

The term ‘climate change’ refers to the long-term shifts in weather and temperature patterns. Some of these shifts are natural. For example, those that occur due to solar cycle variations, however, human activities are the main driver for climate change.

Signs of climate change include:

  • Higher temperatures
  • Rising sea levels, warmer oceans and increased ocean acidity
  • An increase in droughts
  • Changing patterns of rain and snow
  • Shrinking sea ice
  • Melting glaciers and thawing permafrost

It has never been more important for companies to adopt measures to fight the climate crisis. It is a collective role for everyone across the world, so it’s essential that we all play a significant role. However, many companies are unsure how to go about implementing changes that will positively impact the environment.

To give you some ideas on how your company can make a move towards combating climate change, here are five commitments your company can make today:

1. Measure and analyse your greenhouse gas emissions

If you really want to reduce your carbon footprint and impact the environment positively, the first step is to measure your company's greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Measuring and analysing your greenhouse gas emissions helps you to have clear statistics of the approximate amounts of emissions your company is releasing to the environment.

To measure your greenhouse gas emissions, you can work with certified agencies that deal with measuring a company's footprint. Once you have completely measured your greenhouse gas emissions, analyse them and determine the main activities that result in these emissions.

You can now establish a plan to tackle these emissions from their main sources.

This is something we at Airswift have been thinking about as part of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) plan. For example, we work with expert organisations to gather data and formulate plans to offset the carbon emissions that arise from our employee’s travel.

2. Encourage sustainable commuting

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Across the globe, transport usually accounts for about 16 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. Commuter journeys play a significant role in increasing these emissions, especially in countries with highly urbanised populations. In the United Kingdom (UK), commuting accounts for approximately 15 per cent of nationwide journeys.

If your company wants to get serious about curbing global warming, you need to be at the forefront of scaling down transport emissions. One way of doing this is to encourage your employees to use transport services that do not emit greenhouse gases. You could also encourage employees to walk to the workplace, cycle, or shift to electric vehicles.

3. Reduce wastage in the workplace

To substantially cut down your emissions, you can ensure that your organisation is managed in an environmentally responsible manner. An effective way to do this is to ensure that buildings are insulated to the highest standards, as well as built using sustainable materials that are low carbon or recyclable.

The less energy you consume in your company, the fewer emissions are released to the environment. Well-designed buildings can potentially be zero-carbon through reduced heating and cooling.

4. Invest in greener equipment and infrastructures

Another way to combat climate change is to choose more environmentally-friendly equipment and infrastructures. For example, company vehicles could be upgraded to electric or hybrid models to reduce emissions. Office necessities such as printers, air conditioners, bulbs etc. could be swapped for more energy-efficient and sustainable equipment where possible.

5. Reduce your value-chain emissions

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The value-chain emissions include those that are outside the boundaries of your company. Examples include emissions released by your suppliers and sold products. This might actually represent the largest share of your total footprint. Work closely with your suppliers to reduce activities that increase carbon emissions. Also, evaluate suppliers' code of conduct criteria and re-design products that emit greenhouse gases.

Find out more about how we plan to combat climate change in our first ESG report

At Airswift, we operate all our offices around the world with the necessary permits, approvals and controls. We also recognise that we have an influential role that can help create more sustainable communities in which we live and work.

We take this role seriously, using opportunities to foster best practices and demonstrate commitment through our own choices.

We also encourage all employees to participate in environmental programs within our various business units.

To understand more about our objectives and gain inspiration for your own ESG plans, download the ESG report today.

Download the ESG report 2022

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