Safety Moment
Winter driving can be hazardous and scary, especially in the northern regions that get a lot of snow and ice. It is very important to make proper preparations to help make a safer trip.
Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us are not ready for its arrival. If you are prepared for the hazards of winter, you will be more likely to stay safe and healthy when temperatures start to fall. If you live in cold regions where winter is severe, consider preparing yourself for winter.
When winter weather strikes, you may face challenges as you get behind the wheel. Snow, slush, or icy roads are involved in nearly one in four weather-related vehicle crashes. Those conditions can make it harder for you to see, slow down, and stop - all factors that can increase the chances of an accident.
Changing weather conditions create different hazards throughout the winter. A single journey may take you into treacherous conditions, extremely cold temperatures, and diverse road and traffic conditions, and you need to be prepared for every situation. It’s good to know what to do if you find yourself stranded in a vehicle. Advanced preparations can help make a trip safer or help you deal with an emergency should it arise.
When driving on snow or ice, accelerate and decelerate slowly. This will allow your tires to retain traction. If you start to skid or slide, apply the gas slowly to re-gain traction.
When driving in rain, remember that rain reduces your ability to see and greatly increases the distance required to slow down and stop.
Avoid driving in fog, unless your journey is necessary. Fog is one of the most dangerous weather conditions. An accident involving one vehicle can quickly involve many others, especially if they are driving too close to one another.
When driving in strong winds, hold on tight to the steering wheel. A strong gust can snatch the steering wheel from you if you are not paying attention. Avoid bridges wherever possible. Be on the lookout for hazards such as fallen branches, down power lines, debris on the road, etc.
Remember, driving in winter weather can be challenging, even for experienced drivers. Slowing down, allowing increased time to come to a stop, wearing your seat belt, devoting your full attention to the road, and being aware of changing conditions can help you drive more safely.
If your travel route task you into remote areas with limited cell phone coverage, consider informing a third party of your travel plans that include your route and when you plan to arrive. This way, if you are overdue, first responders will know where to start looking. If you're unsure whether it is safe to drive, consider waiting until the road conditions improve.