AI empowerment and cybersecurity in staffing: A conversation with Lauren B. Jones

January 17, 2024

    Image with title of podcast episode

    In this week's episode of AI to Z, our guest Lauren B. Jones, founder and CEO of Leap Consulting Solutions and host Anna Frazzetto take on the pressing challenges and opportunities that dominate a tech-driven landscape.

    They discuss the perils of technology overload and stress the importance of strategic technology roadmapping. Lauren presents AI as an enabler, not a disruptor, but acknowledges its limitations in emotional intelligence. They also highlight the need for human touch in an automated world.

    Addressing a critical aspect of our digital era, Lauren stresses the importance of robust cybersecurity, especially for smaller organisations. She also speaks about the need for greater female participation in STEM fields, calling for a societal and educational shift to empower women in technology.

    Listen to the full episode below:

    The challenge of technology overload and the importance of roadmapping

    This isn't about gobbling up every piece of tech out there but about selecting the right tools that align with your company's vision and goals. It's a call to action for organisations to maintain their focus, avoid tech debt, and ultimately, not lose sight of their 'North Star.

    We're in an age where technology is not just abundant but overwhelming. Lauren Jones points out the common pitfall of 'shiny object syndrome,' where the allure of new tech can distract from its practical application, and advises listeners not to get consumed by the "noisiness" of technological advancements. 

    Instead, she advocates for a planned, step-by-step approach to integrate technology meaningfully into business processes.

    This conversation is a beacon for businesses navigating the dense forest of technological advancements, reminding us that the path to innovation is as much about strategy as it is about technology.

    The impact of AI and the importance of the human touch

    AI won't replace you, but someone that knows how to use AI will. AI has no feeling. There is no interpreting data. It is simply using mathematics to give you the most likely outcome. And it has no insights into language. It has no insights into feelings or empathy. And those are the things that create such a powerful connection in our industry.

    For Lauren, AI should be regarded as an enabler rather than a disruptor. She argues that AI won’t replace people, dispelling fears commonly associated with AI, but those adept at leveraging AI will have a distinct advantage. This perspective is pivotal in an era where AI is often viewed as a double-edged sword.

    However, AI lacks emotional intelligence and cannot mimic the empathy and nuanced understanding humans bring to the table. This limitation underscores the indispensable value of human touch in industries, especially in staffing.

    Her insights serve as a reminder that in our pursuit of technological advancement, the human element remains irreplaceable and central to the narrative.

    Cybersecurity and risk management are key in a world where digital threats loom

    "With great power comes great responsibility. And I think now more than ever, you must put resources behind [cybersecurity]. And there are too many small and midsize agencies that really underestimate the power of ransomware."

    No organisation, big or small, is immune to digital threats and Lauren shares a compelling narrative about the underestimation of cybersecurity, especially among small and midsize agencies, and the catastrophic consequences it can entail.

    Lauren's message is clear: proactive and continuous vigilance is key. She underscores the importance of staying current on where digital threats lurk and investing in robust cybersecurity measures. Her advice to outsource cybersecurity efforts smartly is particularly noteworthy for smaller firms navigating the complexities of digital security.

    Maintaining balance between automation and the human element is key

    In an era where automation is increasingly prevalent, Lauren and Anna Frazzetto tackle a pressing concern: the risk of losing the human element amidst technological advancements. Lauren cautions against the misuse of AI as a mere replacement for human effort. Instead, she advocates for its use as a tool to enhance and streamline processes, particularly in the staffing industry.

    AI, although incredibly powerful, must not overshadow the strengths of human interaction and discernment. Take AI-generated messages, for instance, which can often come across as impersonal. This further emphasises the significance of infusing AI with a human touch. By doing so, technology can serve as a complement to human skills instead of a replacement.

    The importance of encouraging female participation in STEM

    Ladies, it's up to us. We need to get involved and we need to be unafraid of those of us who are raising girls who can code, who are good at math, who are good at science, engineering, etc, because 2% is not good enough.

    Lauren passionately speaks about the need for greater female involvement in STEM fields. She highlights a societal and educational shift necessary to encourage young girls and women to pursue traditionally male-dominated careers.

    Lauren emphasises that empowering women in technology is not just about increasing numbers; it's about changing perceptions and breaking down stereotypes, like the unfounded notion of 'girl math'. She points out the education gap and calls for nurturing an environment where girls are encouraged and supported in their pursuit of technological and scientific interests.

    Key takeaways

    • Strategic technology roadmapping: A strategic approach is vital to integrating technology in business, avoiding the pitfalls of 'shiny object syndrome' and ensuring alignment with organisational goals.

    • AI as an enabler, not a replacer: Lauren views AI as a tool to enhance human work, not to replace it, stressing that AI lacks emotional intelligence and the nuanced understanding that humans bring.

    • Cybersecurity as a critical priority: Small and mid-size businesses must be vigilant and willing to invest in cybersecurity to protect against increasing digital threats and ransomware.

    • Maintaining the human element in AI and automation: Maintaining a harmonious blend of automation and the human element is crucial, particularly people-focused industries like staffing. It is imperative to guarantee that technology enhances and supports human interaction instead of substituting it.

    • Encouraging women in STEM and technology: Empowering young girls to pursue careers in technology, breaking down gender stereotypes, and increasing female participation in STEM fields are crucial steps towards a more inclusive and innovative future.

    • The misconception of AI and change resistance: To overcome the common fears and misconceptions about AI, we must seek to understand and adapt rather than resist technological change.

    • Technology as a time-saving tool: Lauren points out how AI and technology can streamline tasks such as content organisation and trend analysis, thereby saving time and enhancing efficiency in business operations.

    Article and quotes have been edited for brevity and clarity

    This post was written by: Leanna Seah, Content Manager